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We never set out with the intent to have an accident. But far too often, we allow the distractions of the modern world to interfere with our daily driving routines. While it’s easy to think that our phones or other distractions won’t lead to an accident as long as we’re careful, the truth is that even a single text dramatically decreases our chances of arriving at our destination safely. Even worse, when we take our eyes off the road, we increase our chances of harming fellow drivers as well.

Distracted Driving Incidents

What counts as distracted driving? Any activity that takes your attention away from the road.

There are three main types of distracted driving:

  • Visual: Visual distraction refers to the driver taking their eyes off the road. A frequent example is a driver who checks on passengers in the backseat.
  • Manual: Manual distraction occurs when the driver removes their hands from the wheel. Eating and drinking is a common manual distraction.
  • Cognitive: Cognitive distraction refers to a driver whose mind is focused on something besides driving. A common example might be dealing with work issues while driving to or from the office.

Some types of distraction can be classified into more than one category. Texting while driving is a visual, manual, and cognitive distraction, making it the biggest risk factor for accidents.

Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving

  • Don’t eat while driving.
  • Make sure your kids or pets are firmly buckled in before you leave the driveway or parking lot.
  • Turn your cell phone off before you get behind the wheel.
  • Make sure the GPS is programmed before you begin your trip.

Even if you are the safest driver in the world, you cannot control what the other drivers do. With millions of distracted drivers on the road, you may become a victim of them taking their eyes, hands, or mind off the road. At Dallas Regional Medical Center, we are proud to be the only accredited Level IV trauma center for 13 miles. Our full-service ER and trauma center is always open to ensure you get the care you need.